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Sobre nosotros

Creando valor en la atención sanitaria

¿Está comprometido con su salud y bienestar? ¿Cree que la prevención es mucho mejor que el tratamiento? En Preventiononly, estamos seguros de que el futuro de la atención médica no se trata solo de controlar las enfermedades, sino de identificar y eliminar los riesgos de manera proactiva antes de que surjan.

Nuestro equipo de profesionales experimentados, que incluye cardiólogos, técnicos y profesionales de la salud, está comprometido a mejorar su salud y reducir significativamente el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas graves. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra experiencia a continuación (Conozca al equipo).

Preventiononly es una poderosa herramienta digital personalizada diseñada para la detección temprana y prevención de enfermedades, brindando un apoyo invaluable tanto a las personas como a los profesionales de la salud que las atienden.

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Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Nuestra historia

"Doctor, ¿algún día podré llevar una vida normal?" Esta pregunta la hizo un esposo y padre devoto después de sufrir un infarto a los 50 años. Nos sentimos honrados de poder brindarle los cuidados necesarios, deseando fervientemente que esta situación nunca hubiera ocurrido. A pesar de todos los avances médicos, sabemos en el fondo que la vida nunca volverá a ser la misma.

Las enfermedades cardíacas son la principal causa de muerte, pero la realidad es alentadora: el 80% de las enfermedades cardiovasculares se pueden prevenir. Del mismo modo, el 50% de los cánceres también se pueden prevenir.

Por eso creamos Preventiononly, que fusiona ciencia y arte para mejorar la atención médica tradicional, eliminando la necesidad de citas o tiempos de espera.

La oportunidad de recibir atención preventiva es efímera, así que no espere. ¡Únase a nosotros hoy y tome el control de su salud!

Conozca al equipo

  • Is the platform designed exclusively for individuals, or is there an option for healthcare professionals to integrate it into their practice?
    We are initially launching this as a service for individuals. Users will have the ability to share insights with healthcare professionals of their choice. In the future, we plan to develop features that will allow healthcare professionals to integrate the platform into their practice.
  • Which health monitoring devices and platforms will be compatible with your tool?
    The beta version of our app will be compatible with: Apple Watch. OMRON Bluetooth-enabled blood pressure monitors and scales.
  • Could you provide a specific launch date and any updates on the development progress?
    We are targeting a launch in June 2025. Currently, we are in the design phase. We will provide frequent updates on our social media platforms, so please follow us: on our social media pages.
  • What measures are in place to ensure the privacy and security of users' personal health information?
    At present, we do not have a backend system, meaning no one can access your data except you and those you choose to share it with. You will have full control over your data, with options to share it in a format that best suits healthcare professionals. The platform is HIPAA and GDPR compliant. In the future, as we develop a backend system, we will implement encryption protocols to further secure health data.
  • What will be the cost structure for users? Will there be a subscription fee, and if so, are there different tiers of service?
    The beta version will be priced at $3 per month, with a one-week free trial. Users who opt for an annual subscription will receive an additional 20% discount.
  • What kind of customer support will be available to users who need assistance with the platform?
    We offer multiple support channels: Phone:1-833-767-8478 Email: Live Chat:Available on our website Customer support is available 7 days a week, from 7 AM EST to 7 PM EST.
  • Is there a system in place for users to provide feedback on the platform’s functionality and content?
    We highly value user feedback. Please email us at to share your thoughts and suggestions.
  • How personalized are the health recommendations? Does the tool account for individual differences such as age, gender, medical history, and lifestyle?
    Yes, our platform personalizes recommendations based on factors such as age, gender, medical history, and lifestyle choices.
  • Can you provide more details on the scientific basis and research that underpin your platform's recommendations and tools?
    Our recommendations are based on peer-reviewed medical research and professional medical society guidelines. Additionally, we plan to conduct our own medical research in the near future.
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