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What kind of exercise is better- cardio or fat burn?

Writer's picture: Saneka Chakravarty, MD, FACCSaneka Chakravarty, MD, FACC

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Navigating the Fitness Lingo: Unraveling the Terms

You can't escape these terms nowadays, they're everywhere!

But what exactly do they mean?

When we talk about fat burn, we're referring to exercises that get your heart rate to a cozy 50-65% of its maximum. At this level, you should be able to chat comfortably during your workout, with just a hint of breathlessness.

Enter the cardio zone – your heart rate revs up to 75-85% of its maximum. In this zone, you'll feel a moderate shortness of breath, making it a bit tricky to have a chat.

Now, let's talk numbers. While maximum heart rates differ from person to person, a rough rule of thumb is 220 minus your age.

If shedding pounds is your aim, both fat burn and cardio workouts are equally effective. Opting for cardio could even let you slide with shorter bursts of exercise. However, lower-intensity workouts might require more time to achieve the same weight loss.

Here's the golden nugget – either option trumps a sedentary lifestyle, hands down.

In sync with the American Heart Association's wisdom, aim for 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous workouts each week.

For optimal outcomes, consider pairing this with strength-building exercises (think weight training) twice a week. Your ticket to a healthier you is all set!


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